
  • This 60 minute reiki session is for in-person.

  • This 90 minute session is for in-person.

  • This 60 minute reiki session is done virtually.

  • COMING 2024

Hello, welcome to The Embodied Feminine LLC. My name is Danielle and I’m an intuitive healer and Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner. I support women in creating space for their own healing, through reiki, spirituality, and a trauma-informed approach, so they can embody their highest selves.

I currently offer reiki in-person, which I can either travel to your home or I can rent a reiki room at a metaphysical location (see below) in Colorado Springs for a 60 or 90 minute session. For an in-home session, I will limit my availability to the city of Colorado Springs, with a 15 mile radius outside of COS. I also offer distance reiki sessions. This means I can have a session with you virtually, even if you live in another state or country. That’s the power of reiki.

My standard reiki sessions are for everyone, no matter the gender you identify as. My future Womb Reiki offerings (stay tuned for later 2024) and coaching, will be for women only.

As a special offer and limited time only:

I will discount your first session to 50% off.

Every session after this, will be my normal pricing for a session.

If you refer a friend for a reiki session, I will discount your next session to 20% off.

Book a Session

Session Locations

These two businesses allow practitioners to rent rooms for reiki sessions by the hour. A 60 or 90 minute session is available for these locations. If you would like to have your session at one of these locations, the availability is shared with other practitioners and their clients. After you book a time through my scheduling website, I will inform you if that time is available at that date/time/location, and if it’s not, then I will let you know the next available date/time at that exact location.

Sanctuary of Growth

723 N. Weber St.

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

A 48 hour notice is required to book a session at this location.

Metaphysical location in the Briargate Area

Colorado Springs, CO 80920

The exact address will be given to client once your session is booked.

My Story

How did The Embodied Feminine start?

When I was 27 years old, I had my spiritual awakening and realized that I had a lot of trauma from different stages of life to work through. It was affecting every area of my life- health, relationships, career, mental health, and more. I started seeing a reiki practitioner, and the modality truly helped me on my journey of healing. Through the support of spiritual mentors and practitioners, I discovered that I have intuitive abilities and I have a purpose in supporting women through their own healing.

I am four years into my healing journey, and it has been the most exhausting, but rewarding process. To learn who I truly am as a woman, through years of trauma has saved my life. Due to my trauma, I have never felt safe enough in my body or safe enough to express my balanced feminine energy, and have lived predominately in my unbalanced masculine energy.

My trauma has also made me develop medical conditions that affect my womb space. Unfortunately, these conditions are incurable, and not heavily researched and funded by Western medicine. I’m now on a journey to not only discover who I am as a woman and to not let these conditions define me, but to heal myself (get into remission) through other modalities: reiki, womb healing, holistic medicine, shadow work, nervous system work, and getting the systems in my body back to a balanced & healthy state.

Though you don’t need to turn your trauma into purpose, I believe this is my work to do— to raise myself & other women up and to embody our higher selves.

“Just like the lotus, we too have the ability to rise from the mud, bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.” -Unknown

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Reiki is administered by “laying on hands” and techniques such as this have been practiced for thousands of years.

Reiki is based on the belief that life force energy flows through us, and disruptions in this energy can lead to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances.

Benefits of Reiki:


deepens spiritual awareness

aids in spiritual growth

strengthens intuition

enhances spiritual connection

clears negative energy


promotes clear thinking & mindfulness

deepens relaxation & eases stress

strengthens self-esteem & confidence


frees blockages, emotions, & fears rooted in past traumas

calms and reduces anxiety & depression

encourages emotional release

promotes focus, awareness, & acceptance


balances energies in the body

relieves physical discomfort, tension, & pain in a non-invasive way

strengthens the immune system & detoxifies the body

promotes sleep & accelerates natural healing

improves circulation & increases energy levels

Client Testimonials

Contact Me

Please use the form below to contact me. You can also email me at or you can DM me on Instagram.